aku kena tag ler pulak.. ciss.. camne nak jawab neh..
1. 3 names in your Inbox cellphone?
a. faizal (dia ajak aku balik)
b. dianne (ajak tgk wayang)
c. abg zul
2. Your main ringtone?
bunkface - situasi
3. What u did at 12 last nite?
tido.. penat giler balik dr kedah..
4. Who was the last person u went out with? Where?
faizal.. balik kampung dia ar..
5. The color of the shirt you're wearing now?
6. The last thing u did?
edit gambar faizal bertunang..
7. 3 of your everyday favorite items?
a. tie renoma dari abg aku.. kalo bole nk pakai hari²
b. my sony ericsson hp.. (sbb ada org sponsor)
c. milo suam mak aku buat..
8. The color of your bedroom?
putih kuning.. standard ar bilik budak laki.. xkan nk kaler pink kot..
9. How much money in your wallet now?
huh.. nyesal aku buat tag ari ni.. 2 inggit jer..
10. How's life?
bila fikir pasal dia.. kadang² happy.. tp bila jadi perkara pelik.. hmmm...
11. Your favourite song?
Nickelback - Gotta Get Somebody.. suka dgn lirik dia.. mendalam..
12. What will u do next weekend?
pegi umah kakak aku kt seremban.. ada kenduri..
13. When was the last time you saw your mom?
baru tadi..
14. Where is she now?
tengah tido..
15. When was the last time you talked to your parents?
waktu makan mlm tadi..
16. Who is the last person that texted u?
dianne - ajak tengok wayang esok..
17. Where did you have your dinner last night?
kat umah jer.. mak aku buat masak lemak telur dgn belimbing.. sedap woo..
18. The last surprise you got?
waktu besday aku.. rasa mcm nk bunuh jer org yg plan benda tu..
19. Last thing you borrowed from your friends?
lense kamera encik ahmad..
20. Who is ur bf/gf or husband/wife?
ada ekh.. saper yer.. kalo saper tau, tolong bagitau..
21. What do you feel now?
sakit ati dgn perkara yg berlaku hari nie..
22. Wanna share with who?
saperlah yg sudi berkongsi rasa sedih aku nie.. dulu adalah.. skrg, berckp dgn aku pun payah..
23. Who knows your secret?
dia jelah.. itupun kalo dia ingat lagi..
24. They keep your secret?
i hope so..
25. Are you angry with someone?
memang ada..
26. What do you order at McD?
ni kenapa McD lak nie.. hmm.. chicken mc deluxe ngan air milo..
27. The last time you felt so sad?
sekarang.. yelah, sbb dah xde org nk pujuk..
28. What is your wish for tomorrow?
semoga hubungan aku dgn dia kembali seperti dulu..
29. Wish to tag?
huh.. siaplah korang..
a. encik ahmad..
b. cik siti..
c. kak yus..
Realiti kehidupan di kuala lumpur
10 years ago
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